hungarian jazz funk breaks 101

During the relatively short time I spent on this forum I got the impression that most of you think that Hungarian psych is the ish. Maybe you just had noone to introduce you to our jazz funk / funk rock era, so that's why you're so hapy with tracks that have the obscure 4 second drum break but turn unberable once the psyched group members start singing or messing around on the guitar.That's why I suggest you check this compilation of dope hungarian jazz funk fusion from the 70s put together by my man brother Keyser and me (DJ Shuriken): into '60s modal stuff can have a sniff of the mp3 snippets from vol.1 in the Hungarian series here:Rare Jazz/Fusion Gems From Hungarian Vaults vol. 1 if you browse their catalogue on the website (with a lot of sample mp3s)( you can get a pretty good education in all that is fine and raer in East European jazz.The Cosmic Sounds label did an incredible job in reissuing and compiling mega rare East European jazz in the last 5 years, although they barely survive on this declining market. Label head Zeljko Kerleta did an excellent and extremely hard work until now and definitely is in need of support. He also sells some of the hard to find (Polish, Hungarian, ex-Yugoslavian, Czech, Russian, etc.) original LPs if anyone would happen to be into raer jazz stuff here
I think you get the best deals on CS releases (plus best support Mr. Kerleta) if you order from him directly, but dustygroove also carries his stuff.peace out

PANTA RHEI ??? Tropical Fever (Tr??pusi l??z)
there was an east german band going by the same name. any connections???
dude I think you just have a different idea of what constitutes good
a lot of us would prefer some heavy acid guitar psych to 'jazz funk breaks', at least for listening purposes.
And yes, most of the titles on Kenguru are exclusives. But there still is more good stuff on some of Bergendy's, Kovacs Kati's, LGT's, Zalatnay's and Omega's LPs.
There is also a dope LP called Kepzelt Riport egy Amerikai Popfesztivalrol that might be up your alley if you liked Kenguru. That was a musical put together by jazzfunkrocksters LGT (Locomotive GT). That has a cool beat on the track Ringasd el magad (Rock yourself away). They have recorded at least 2-3 versions of that song (1 sang partly in English on an LP cut for the US Abc label, that has the phattest drums).
sure. probably you don't always get the wacko lyrics in Hungarian. and that might just make listening a lot easier
and FYI there were not many people dropping acid behind the iron curtain. and they were certainly not these rockers (who tended to drink a lot instead). so it is "fruit brandy, vodka and beer" guitars in most of the cases.
I have to admit I also play some of Zalatnay's, LGT's, Neoton's, Omegas's and Mini's records even at DJ gigs, but most of their stuff is just a pure let down after the break.
But if you're into tripped out Hugarian rock with breaks with a hint of soul, you should go for the seldom seen Atlasz 45s on the Qualiton label. Now, that's what I call psych.