seeking opinions on John Wagner's J.B. Covers lp

lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
edited April 2005 in Strut Central
Any good? Seems like there's a lot of sealed copies about. Anyone heard?


  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    I recently found a clean copy of Pazant Brothers Loose & Juicy. I gave it a full listen two weeks ago. (I sold my old copy.)
    John Wagner sounds a lot like the Pazant Brothers LP. I mean the sound. So if you like it...
    All te JB covers on Shades of Brown are cool. Three of them are pure dyn-o-mite. I love the LP. It's a record that I'd never sell or trade. The last track is a superb 30 seconds electric piano work out. Noice!

    There has been another discussion about the record, but I couldn't find it via a search. Maybe it went down with the crash? Some people don't like it, but I couldn't figure out why. The record is great IMO.

  • Where are these sealed copies? Europe?
    curious in US

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    Where are these sealed copies? Europe?
    curious in US

    It seems like.
    When running searches for internet sales, from what i've found it just seems like more than your average amount of sealed copies are out for the having.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Where are these sealed copies? Europe?
    curious in US

    Craig Moerer has them for like $75 a pop SEALED I believe... haven't heard it myself.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I've been looking for a copy but I never thought it was really worth the $75-100 that I usually see asked for it. THen again, I'm a sucker for covers so I might just drop the cash for one if I'm impulsive enough. It's not that high on my want list compared to other Lps though.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I've been looking for a copy but I never thought it was really worth the $75-100 that I usually see asked for it. THen again, I'm a sucker for covers so I might just drop the cash for one if I'm impulsive enough. It's not that high on my want list compared to other Lps though.

    If you're ever feeling impulsive and want to drop a hunerd on it, O, just hit me up. Every time I get that record I end up selling it- just don't care for it very much. It's a-ight, I guess, but put it like this- I'd rather have a hunerd dollars.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I've been looking for a copy but I never thought it was really worth the $75-100 that I usually see asked for it. THen again, I'm a sucker for covers so I might just drop the cash for one if I'm impulsive enough. It's not that high on my want list compared to other Lps though.

    If you're ever feeling impulsive and want to drop a hunerd on it, O, just hit me up. Every time I get that record I end up selling it- just don't care for it very much. It's a-ight, I guess, but put it like this- I'd rather have a hunerd dollars.

    If you'd settle for $50. Holla

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    Well, it does have a weird twist and the sound isn't all hard and deep funk. No crisp drums throughout and no breaks rare. Still worth the 75 Craig Moerer Dollars. It's nice nice nice. And yes, Koala is surprisingly easy to find in Europe. I see the Main Street on Koala from time to time. Don't know why, but Koala isn't that rare over here?!

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Craig Moerer Dollars

    New form of currency???

    And yes, Koala is surprisingly easy to find in Europe. I see the Main Street on Koala from time to time. Don't know why, but Koala isn't that rare over here?!

    I'm betting (like many things) that they didn't sell at all in the States and were shipped off by the boxload to Europe in the 70s and 80s

    Some records like that barely exist in this country

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    It's just a straight covers Lp with no breaks. Not that the breaks matter, but it would have been the only redeeming part of this LP. I had a copy and sold it pretty quick. Doesn't suck, but wouldn't you rather just hear JB's. For that matter get the Black Pearl live LP and be done with JB's covers. JB's cover (IMO) are onyl worth it if they kick out the funk like the JB's. But if you're into quirky not that amazing covers of JB's then this is the LP for you. If I remember right it's all instumental with no vocals.
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