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"a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
Thought y'all might get a kick out of me plugging "carpetbagger" into this article:http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/dispatch/2006-02-17/music_phases3.html
you're writing for the Austin Chronicle, absolutely no one gives a fuck.
You spelled it wrong.
what dictionary are you using?
Faux-cab-u-lary's necessary.
Pret-ty sneaky, sis.
is that all it takes?
i don't know whether to throw up a or a
hilarious. harsh, but hilarious.
in related news i printed this out, folded it into a square, took a shit and wiped my ass with this.
In the excerpt I read, he referred to Baby as one--you mean he says it about Mannie, too?!