RAZR V3 voice records retrieval?

BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
I looked on some cell phone forums and they're all cryptic about this shit. Does anyone have any experience with this? I can retrieve the files but they're in some compressed form which apparently doesn't have any sort of file converter. I'm guessing I'm probably going to have to resort to just micing the shit but I would rather do a direct transfer.


  • i had the same phone (before i was pick pocketed by a girl in a club) and i never found a way to do it. My Mum works for a telecommunications company that i did some temp work at, so i asked around the techy's i knew, and nobody could give me anything definative. I mean, the quality loss with micing is moot because of the message quality anyway. I'd suggest cutting your losses and doing it that way, coz if the guys i asked didnt know i wouldnt expect many people to be able to help you (they live for that schitt)

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Damn, I guess I gotta mic it then. I was reading on some forum that if you send a multimedia text message, record a voice record through that, and then save a draft, you can retrieve the file but I didn't know that at the time and I was probably too drunk at the time to even do that. It's my first drop from a rapper ever so I'm hoping it comes out okay.
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