Negroes with Guns

DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Did anyone else catch the 1hr documentary on PBS "Negroes with Guns"? It's about Civil Rights activist Robert Williams, the South Carolinian and local NAACP pres who famously called for violent self-defense as early as 1958 in response to increased attacks upon the black community. Williams helped form local "gun clubs" that patrolled the community. Eventually had to flee the country when faced with some trumped up kidnapping charges. Wound up in Cuba where he started Radio Free Dixie, a broadcast that was a mixture of social commentary and jazz/soul throwdowns (e.g. Simone's Mississippi Goddam). Shit was aired all over th US. William's provides an interested counterpoint to the mainstream view of violence as ineffective and morally problematic. Williams book "Negroes with Guns" was a major influence on the Panthers and other nationalist groups.


  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    that sounds crazy! PBS is so on point!

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Did anyone else catch the 1hr documentary on PBS "Negroes with Guns"? It's about Civil Rights activist Robert Williams, the South Carolinian and local NAACP pres who famously called for violent self-defense as early as 1958 in response to increased attacks upon the black community. Williams helped form local "gun clubs" that patrolled the community. Eventually had to flee the country when faced with some trumped up kidnapping charges. Wound up in Cuba where he started Radio Free Dixie, a broadcast that was a mixture of social commentary and jazz/soul throwdowns (e.g. Simone's Mississippi Goddam). Shit was aired all over th US. William's provides an interested counterpoint to the mainstream view of violence as ineffective and morally problematic. Williams book "Negroes with Guns" was a major influence on the Panthers and other nationalist groups.

    Missed the documentary.

    First heard of him during Rosa Parks memorial service. Rosa was always sceptical of Kings non-violent tactics. She was a strong support of Williams.

    I want to know more.


  • they had a screening of this at a neighborhood center a few weeks ago, which i was late for half of and also missed the pbs screening, so i'll have to catch up with it SOON to finish it. it was great to have yuri kochiyama and bobby seale there, and bobby was there to answer questions people had about any and everything.

    if i can find the cable to my digicam (it's really useless without one now that mem card is all filled) i will add the link to a poem he recited with...GUSTO to say the least.

  • t Civil Rights activist Robert Williams, the South Carolinian and local NAACP pres

    make that North Carolinian

  • LewisLewis Connecticut 101 Posts
    Independant Lens is awesome and very worth keeping track of. They air some amazing documentaries and recently featured one on Funkadelic that was excellent.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Damn, I really want to see this. I had a friend who kept telling me about this guy.
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