To those who have filed claims with PayPal...

drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
I'm at the point in my claim where I've been asked to provide 3rd party verification that the record I received was a reissue. Will be putting together that info this weekend, but I was wondering what the general rate of success has been for people actually getting their money back. What was your experience?Thanks for any guidance.


  • How do you go about getting 3rd party verification of that?

    I've never had trouble getting money back from Paypal, either because sellers were cool and accepted returns or because I filed a claim and they never replied so I got my $$ back by default.

  • i have only had to do this once i was sucessful, just make sure you get some kind of confirmation when you send the record back that the seller got it.

    did paypal say who would qualify as the 3rd party opinion? do you have to prove the person is a record nerd?

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    i have only had to do this once i was sucessful, just make sure you get some kind of confirmation when you send the record back that the seller got it.

    did paypal say who would qualify as the 3rd party opinion? do you have to prove the person is a record nerd?

    In order to continue with the investigation of your claim, we must request
    documentation to support your claim that the item is not authentic. Please
    obtain a document from an unbiased, third-party, such as a dealer,
    appraiser, or another individual or organisation that is qualified in the
    area of the item in question (other than yourself), which clearly
    identifies the item as not authentic. If possible, the document should
    include a serial number and description of the item, and must be on
    letterhead that includes the name, address, and phone number of the
    individual, business, or organisation so that PayPal may contact them if

    I swear, this seller is such a **** for not maning up to trying to d*ck people over. This process is such a headache!

  • Wow yeah I've never had to do that...what an ass.

  • In order to continue with the investigation of your claim, we must request
    documentation to support your claim that the item is not authentic. Please
    obtain a document from an unbiased, third-party, such as a dealer,
    appraiser, or another individual or organisation that is qualified in the
    area of the item in question (other than yourself), which clearly
    identifies the item as not authentic. If possible, the document should
    include a serial number and description of the item, and must be on
    letterhead that includes the name, address, and phone number of the
    individual, business, or organisation so that PayPal may contact them if

    fuck that, thats some straight bullshit, you could call mike, he works at a shop their in philly but i dont know if he has letterhead
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