This is the third night in a ROW...
9,768 Posts
... that I've been sitting here at my computer and I've heard shots being aired out. Last night was seriously close to the crib, with screams and wails. Brooklyn is real, but this is like pissing me off. Shit just busted out like 3 minutes ago...Damn.
I was just around your way the other day (eating at Toms)! It seemed mad calm! Mad white folks too. But I don't really fuck with Prospect/Crown Heights, I mean when we used to be over there back in '96, '97 (St Johns & Underhill, Park Place & Washington, Park Place & Franklin) it was GULLIVERS TRAVELS.
You'll have to ask me about the crackhead bottle fight one time! Crackheads are invincible!
this is just not true but i wish it was
last night upon re-entrance to the crib, there was a sprawled out sweaty eyed fiend with blood running out of his ear just making dirt angels in my breezeway, shivering.
what the fuck dude it's not even raining
hahahahaha think there twasn't shit there. All signs point to no.