job woes

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
oh my last job, my boss and I agreed things were not working out. so i asked him to fire me so i collect unemployment while looking for a new job. he also said he'd give me a good i had a great interview last week for a fat State job and they called me today to ask if they could contact my references becuase they want to hire me. they asked to contact him--the dude who agreed to fire me and promised a good ref.but fuck I am so fucking nervous about it. all my other refs are excellent, but this dude could still fucking ruin me.


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Having worked in pre-employment screening (one of many post uni jobs) I would advise you not to sweat it.

    Pretty much all white collar companies refuse to give out bad references for ex-employees as it puts them in the possible line of a lawsuit. The worst you would be likely to get is a short noncommittal reference confirming your period of employment. If this happens companies would normally contact you for more information and are pretty laid back about most things as long as it wasn't anything illegal.

  • Having worked in pre-employment screening (one of many post uni jobs) I would advise you not to sweat it.

    Pretty much all white collar companies refuse to give out bad references for ex-employees as it puts them in the possible line of a lawsuit. The worst you would be likely to get is a short noncommittal reference confirming your period of employment. If this happens companies would normally contact you for more information and are pretty laid back about most things as long as it wasn't anything illegal.

    Don't sweat it just make sure your other references kick ass.

  • Having worked in pre-employment screening (one of many post uni jobs) I would advise you not to sweat it.

    Pretty much all white collar companies refuse to give out bad references for ex-employees as it puts them in the possible line of a lawsuit. The worst you would be likely to get is a short noncommittal reference confirming your period of employment. If this happens companies would normally contact you for more information and are pretty laid back about most things as long as it wasn't anything illegal.

    yeah, there's this little thing called 'slander' that most companies try to avoid. But hey, at least you got fired, I'm just waiting for my company to go bankrupt so I can collect unemployment and any unused software and gear lying around.
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