Record Sale in Berkeley Sat.

Well, I spent last night excavating my storage closet and pulled out about 10 boxes of records that I want to get rid of. I will be selling these yardsale style on Saturday from 11-2 if anyone feels like checking them out. Don't come expecting crazy raers since I save that stuff for online sales. There will be CTI's up the butthole though. Say you're from Soulstrut and I will throw in a party favor. Here is the Craigslist ad I put up:"I will be selling about 10 crates of LP's and 12 inch singles this Saturday. Styles represented will include soul, jazz, funk, hiphop/rap, folk, disco, classic rock, new wave, indie rock, hardcore, etc. Virtually all of these were handpicked by me over the years but have been taking up closet space for a while now. Prices will mostly be in the $1-$3 range. I will also have a couple boxes of more collectible records in the $5-$10 range. I more or less know the value of records so don't expect to find any really expensive records at blowout prices. That said, there will be plenty of quality titles.The sale will be outside so if it rains I will reschedule for another weekend. My address is 1626 Fairview St. in Berkeley (look for the tall grey Victorian). The sale will run from 11 am to 2 pm. Please, no early birds as I will not bring the records out until 11 on the dot."