Ferrofluid Sculptures. (Sick.)
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Ferrofluid is a very interesting material originally developed by NASA it has now found itself been used for a whole range of devices including dampers for controlling and stabilizing large building that move around in the wind. Whats also amazing is that they have such lovely visual qualities when magnetized.The term liquid architecture is used a lot in interactive architecture based on the ideas of how architecture becomes animated by adding the 4th Dimension of Time. Sachiko has taken this idea of liquid architecture more literally with these stunning sculpture made from Ferrofluid which changes its state by the introduction of electro-magnetic waves into the fuid turning it solid.Link to video.Source.
that was one of the coolest random things I've seen in a while. Thanks!!
cymatics + magnetics + space age liquid
And they should turn it into a story. Like that fucking guy that does the sand on the overhead projector.