Best of BRILLO - Friday 20th January in London, UK
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Friday 20th January sees the latest gathering of some of London???s finest record collectors and DJ???s at the very ???BEST OF BRILLO???.???BRILLO??? is a unique night that has evolved over the 3 years of its existence into a meeting of minds and record collections as music heads compare recent record finds and their capacity for alcohol, whilst DJ???ing at the same time. Music as far and varied as funk, psyche, exotica, latino, jazz, reggae??????in fact, the list just goes on. So, here???s the next instalment of the ???BEST OF BRILLO???, where we unveil some of the most hard hitting dance music you???ve never heard before. DJ???s for the night are;Si Cheeba ??? (Hip Drop/Vibrations)Rich ??? (Hero No 7)Green ManGreg Belson ??? (Hightower Set/Hogwash)Viva ChibaSermad ??? (The Sound Library)Soul FiendLlmod1 ??? (Smersh)The Hooded ClawSie Vulture ??? (Vinyl Vulture/Licourice Soul)Callum Flack ??? (Hot, Funky & Sweaty)BongoliaDelay 68 ??? (Delay68 Records/Finders Keepers)The E Man ??? ( is Filthy MacNasty???s, 68 Amwell Street, London EC1. T; 0207 837 6067 from 7.30pm til 1am.Entrance is free.