Moving away...

akoako 3,419 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
...was the best decision i ever made.this place is great. im never that bored, i feel really comfortable, all my friends are within reach and the record situation is already waaaaaaay better than des moines.heres this morning's finds ($20 total), and i still have another record shop to go back to at 1:00...IMG src=>yeehawheres a bonus pic for you, my first picture at my new homeIMG src=>yeah this is good. feels nice to be out here.


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    heres a bonus pic for you, my first picture at my new home

    IMG src=>

    Who took this one? Anton Corbijn?

  • OlskiOlski 355 Posts
    Can we use this as the promo pic for the "Chicago" 12"?

  • I really liked the records (and the girls) in IA city. After driving through rural PA, OH, IL, NE... man, was Iowa City a breath of fresh air. Got a real meal for the first time in days.

    But there is a perponderance of gas stations called "Kum N Go"

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Hey Reservoir Dawg:

    [Grafwritah]" alt="" />[/Grafwritah]

    (just jokes)

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts

    dude, what happened ?

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    i dont know what happened, but heres the second part of today's digs:

    IMG src=>

    $16 total

    im reeeally starting to like this place now.

  • did you go to the blue house?

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    just record collector and rusty records...the blue house (if its the same place im thinking of) seems a tad overpriced..but i still havent spent much time downstairs yet...

  • hmm. Everything was a set price when I was there, but that was years ago. Like, "over here is $2, over here is $5" kind of deal. I didn't pull out much but I wish I had more time.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    when i was there it was all $200 13th floor elevators and shit...and a bunch of like, late 70s blues records i wasnt interested in.

    however the first record i picked up at random downstairs was a lyn collins - think 45...good sign perhaps?

  • when i was there it was all $200 13th floor elevators and shit...

    woah...we've gotta be talking about the same place but it was more or less a junk shop when I was there, back in 2001.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    when i was there it was all $200 13th floor elevators and shit...

    woah...we've gotta be talking about the same place but it was more or less a junk shop when I was there, back in 2001.

    still is...if "junk" is a bunch of waaay overpriced 70's stereo equipment i want veerrrrrry badly.

    well i guess theres junk too. but mostly stereo equipment.

  • That might be, I can't remember, just records everywhere, many of them beat to shit, rat terds, and dude gave me a jar of homemade honey. Make of that what you will

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    dude, what happened ?

    Move back home immediately!!
    No more booze!

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    Can we use this as the promo pic for the "Chicago" 12"?

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