Getting Sonned On Talk Radio (NRR)

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
I thought some of the political mavens here would get a chuckle hearing about how I got my ass handed to me on a local talk radio show. I was in traffic and this local conservative talk show host had a guest on who was a Congressman from San Antonio. The topic was that this Congressman was trying to get a Bill passed that would make a "Minute of Silence" mandatory every day, in every Texas public school.I called in and said that I thought this Bill was a thinly veiled attempt to get prayer into public schools and that I was against it.The Congressman explained that I was wrong and that the students could use the minute to do whatever they wanted, pray, meditate, or just do nothing.I said that religion was a private matter that had no place in public schools and that a student could certainly find a minute in their schedule OUTSIDE of school to pray or meditate if they wanted to.Then the host jumped in and said "I bet you're one of those folks who doesn't want Sex Education in the schools either"To which I replied "I support Sex AND Religious education classes in Public Schools, I just don't think the school should designate any time for the students to PRACTICE either one of them"CLICK.....I got hung up on.So here I am still sitting in traffic, but with a smile on my face because I thought I just made a pretty good point and got hung up on because he couldn't/didn't want to respond to it.The next 4 callers to the show TRASHED me called me "One of them Godless Liberals" and another said I probably didn't have any children anyway so my opinion wasn't valid. I couldn't help thinking about SS and the recent discussions here.So I ask you....should I be prouder of being called a "Right Wing Conservative" here or a "Godless Liberal" over the airwaves.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    SoulStrut > the real world > The Real World MTV > the rest of the internet > FM radio > AM (probably) talk radio

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    SoulStrut > the real world > The Real World MTV > the rest of the internet > FM radio > AM (probably) talk radio

    Where does Sirius/XM Radio fit in the equation??
    Just curious.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

    Am I an idiot who likes to argue....Yes

    Am I baited into these arguments like an idiot....Yes

    Do I enjoy it.....inexplicably...Yes

    I don't have XM radio

    What is music??

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    Sorry Bsides - you's my people - but I got to go with homie on this one. Not because listening to talk radio (especially of this demographic) is cool - but because pissing off tight ass conservatives is one of my favorie past times. Fuck em. These ignorant fucks who prescribe such behavior - yep - piss em off. Love ruffling those feathers anytime. Pal - conference me next time you call in - we can tag team.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

    Yeah Dude...we'll never catch YOU arguing politics and social issues!!

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    duh. he posts on soulstrut.

  • do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    duh. he posts on soulstrut.

    Damn, you beat me to that one.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    we can tag team.


  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

    Yeah Dude...we'll never catch YOU arguing politics and social issues!!

    Nah, that's fine. I meant the "partisan conflict" part. You can't seem to separate individual issues (or individuals, for that matter) from your black/white, either/or, liberal/conservative worldview.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I think you were objecting to a purely meaningless issue that has been turned into a partisan conflict in order to distract the masses from any real discussion of things that actually matter.

    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Sonned again.

    Especially if you've got XM radio, Try listening to music! Sheesh!

    Yeah Dude...we'll never catch YOU arguing politics and social issues!!

    Nah, that's fine. I meant the "partisan conflict" part. You can't seem to separate individual issues (or individuals, for that matter) from your black/white, either/or, liberal/conservative worldview.

    I gotta disagree...I think I've proven that I can separate issues very easily and that's why I've been called both Godless Liberal and Right Wing Conservative.........It's the folks who are making these accusations that can't come to grips with the fact that you can have opinions that fall on BOTH sides. People who are either 100% Left or 100% Right scare me....But we'll just have to agree to disagree.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    duh. he posts on soulstrut.

    Damn, you beat me to that one.

    You got me there. Around the time we first went into that giant mess known as operation iraqi freedom, I was for some reason glued to conservative talk radio. It would get me so pissed off. I would sit and play vice city and just ice cops all day on my motorcycle while those assholes would wail away like morons.

    Sooner or later i realized though that pissed off moderates or liberals were probably half the audience for that kind of circus and i turned it off. They will always have the last word, and I guarantee you will not get a chance to make any point that might actually piss them off. Yelling at a brick wall would probably be more productive.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    So I ask you....should I be prouder of being called a "Right Wing Conservative" here or a "Godless Liberal" over the airwaves.

    I would say the latter. Maybe it's just me, but I find something inherently funny about the phrase "godless liberal," especially when it's used as an insult.

  • That's funny as fuck.

    Good times.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    It's the folks who are making these accusations that can't come to grips with the fact that you can have opinions that fall on BOTH sides.

    And it's you who can't come to grips with the idea that this "BOTH sides" you speak of does not even come close to representing the spectrum of political opinion in this country.

    I suggest a new term (borrowed from another board) to be introduced in your honor:


    R[/b]ead -----> C[/b]omprehend -----> P[/b]ost.

    If you fail to follow the first two, please refrain from doing the third.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    It's the folks who are making these accusations that can't come to grips with the fact that you can have opinions that fall on BOTH sides.

    And it's you who can't come to grips with the idea that this "BOTH sides" you speak of does not even come close to representing the spectrum of political opinion in this country.

    I suggest a new term (borrowed from another board) to be introduced in your honor:


    R[/b]ead -----> C[/b]omprehend -----> P[/b]ost.

    If you fail to follow the first two, please refrain from doing the third.

    How about you and I just come to grips with the possibility that you're alot smarter than I am??

    Will you agree with me there??

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    I gotta disagree...I think I've proven that I can separate issues very easily and that's why I've been called both Godless Liberal and Right Wing Conservative.........It's the folks who are making these accusations that can't come to grips with the fact that you can have opinions that fall on BOTH sides. People who are either 100% Left or 100% Right scare me....But we'll just have to agree to disagree.


    I gotta say, I tried dialoging with you in the 2 Iraq posts, but have almost given up for the following reasons:

    1) You'll make a couple statements and then fall back on these same lines again and again in various posts. Examples, black/white, left/right, etc.

    2) This usually then leads to a post about how everyone on Soulstrut is close minded and on the left and how you're not understood, and perhaps a "victim of Soulstrut" although you didn't event that phrase. (I think if you look closely at almost every single post on politics, you'll find that THE most close minded person is actually sabadaba who usually just comes to talk shit with one liners, openly confesses to not believing almost anything that gets reported because it's biased, etc. )

    3) Your use of stereotypes and hyperbole (i.e. Muslim culture is all about death and killing which got repeated in 3 questions and 2 statements) rather than trying to dig up some evidence or make a better argument for your point of view beyond creating a straw man to knock down.

    In terms of U.S. foreign policy under Bush I supported the war against Afghanistan, I'm all for the war on terror, but think Bush lied about the reasons for going to war in Iraq and has fucked it up for us and the Iraqis in the process. I'll fucking bore you to death with an essay on facts to back up my point of view, and then I'll get your response in a joking little fake convo about how I hate America while talking to Saddam. Even in jest, you seem to resort to the stereotyping and hyperbole again.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    Why the hell are you listening to talk radio? Do you enjoy a purely fact-less analysis of the same tired irrelevant moral issues? Or do you just like being baited into an argument by intentionally extreme diatribes?

    Well, for me I like talk radio because I like to hear people talk shit about topics they are devoted to. Yet I find that "Car Talk" show on NPR every Saturday far more entertaining partly because... well, we have no talk radio station here and I don't have satellite radio.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    So I ask you....should I be prouder of being called a "Right Wing Conservative" here or a "Godless Liberal" over the airwaves.

    be proud
    i have called you both in the past

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    So I ask you....should I be prouder of being called a "Right Wing Conservative" here or a "Godless Liberal" over the airwaves.

    be proud
    i have called you both in the past

    Thanks T

    I can't even keep up with this shit

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