iPod "shuffle" beef
1,475 Posts
Not talking about the iPod Shuffle, but rather the shuffle function on regular iPods. Anyone else have the problem with theirs picking out three or four albums it really likes and playing songs off of them every 3 or 4 tracks? As in:1. Song off album A2. random song3. random song4. song off album B5. song off album A6. random song7. song of album Betc...its really annoying and makes me hate whatever albums it happens to be obsessed with at the time. These preferred albums usually change whenever I put new songs on or take some off, and tend to be files I've had on there for awhile. I know real heads don't have iPods and only OG vinyl & portables, but aside from them, anybody notice this? Is this a glitch in the memory storage? or done on purpose assuming since they've been on your Pod so long, you must love them and want to hear them constantly? Oh, and mine's a 2nd-gen for the record.
itunes/preferences/playback/smart shuffle
select less likely, problem solved
irivers has been fucked up, like a preset algorithm for "randomness" till rockbox fixed that shit.i think rockbox is gonna start shit for ipod. they always say "randomness" in programming doesnt truly exist and the best way to program it i think is according to the time of the operating system.
*i'm refering to iriver h320
The shuffle function seems to create a shuffled playlist and plays it the same every day.
What I want is a true RANDOM. When the song ends the ipod rolls the dice to decide what should play next. That is what I want.
BTW..... setting it to "more or less likely" seems to have no effect thus far.
That's true, if you've ever programmed anything and do just plain "random" it's always the same "random" numbers in the same order every time. You have to use the internal clock as a factor in order to be "random", or at least random for that given time of day.