??Porte??os! (Seeking BsAs info)

condcond 2 Posts
edited December 2005 in Strut Central
Okay, so what is it that's drawn a lurker out from the darkness? Why, a search for suggestions, of course!If any of you currently reside in or have visited the fine federal capital of Buenos Aires, I'd greatly appreciate getting some librer??a and music shop recommendations (si es posible, ??podr??as recomendarme cualquiera tienda con discos a m??s de los que tienen "Oro" en los t??tulos?).Many thanks in advance,K


  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I was worried, I was missing the "Buenos Aires info" post of the week. WTF is going on?
    From now on, I'm only giving info to people who post a scan of their plane ticket ?

  • No Records In Argentina

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    and one more thing: don't come here with "Porte??os!", cause there's only ONE porte??o in here, and there can be only ONE

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    No Records In Argentina

    Listen to this man, he knows the TRUTH and he holds the key to the chimichurri paradise.

  • SooksSooks 714 Posts
    You know, JLR, I don't think there was a single BA question before you arrived...

  • You know, JLR, I don't think there was a single BA question before you arrived...

    I don't think that's true... but for some reason it's recently gone from a twice-yearly topic to a weekly topic. I posted a list of stores on the old board after I went down in early 2003.

  • Alright, Porte??o Numero Uno: so whatcha whatcha whatcha want? Here's what I've got in lieu of a plane ticket:

    1. A pic of me giving Menem a reach around.
    2. Incontrovertible evidence Kirchner's mujer was sparkin' bengalas in the Cromagnon.

    If ya ain't into that, how about this: for every place you give me that isn't Musimundo (and I'm not talking strictly vinyl, here: cassettes, CDs, 78s... some music kiosco run by the kid you know who's the hype man in a cumbia villera group), I'll scalp a one of these colegio kids running around here in Bariloche. If you're not into scalps, I'm sure I can arrange for some local artisan to sew everything together into a slipmat for ya. Limited time only, as I'm outta here in a cama after Xmas.

    So, help a hapless yanqui out, ya? Or not.


    P.S. Speaking of scalps, Porte??o: what the hell is up with the little braided bunch of hair in an otherwise short hair cut style here in Argentina? I mean, I can understand the mullets... hell, I'm sure kids have started doing drugs to imitate Maradona, but the hair! Come on!

    P.P.S. As for no records in Argentina, maybe in the way of breaks (my experience so far), but I'd never have picked up the first Almendra record for so cheap back home. I'm happy.
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