R.I.P Ronald Lopez

haze25haze25 759 Posts
edited December 2005 in Strut Central
what up guys hope everything is good with you. i've made some frienships on this place already and i enjoy the forum so i figured i'd share my tradgedy with you guys cause theirs many of us here who have probably faced what i am facing today. and realy, any kind words or advice will help me get through this easier.i got a call around 11:00 am that my brother had been killed at work by a forklift accident.besides my grieving my main concern was informing my mother, a couple years ago around this time she lost her father.i told her and her reaction was not good, it's been 10 hours since the news and she's crying as hard as she was this morning.it's been a trying day.thought i would share......please share stories, anythingpeace,xavier


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    wow, my condolences to you X****r, I hope you are holding up okay through this tragedy.

    As far telling your mom there is no real easy way of doing it. be braced for her reaction and know that she made need a shoulder to cry on for a while. Stay as positive as you can in the face of this and maintain strength, this will be good for others arond you if you want everybody to stay somewhat calm.


  • Damn, I am real sorry for your loss. That's horrible. Just unbelievable. When it's unexpected like that it's just crazy. Don't let the tragedy pull you down. Stay strong for you and your moms, for real. Damn.

  • Damn. My condolences to you and your family.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    That's just terrible.

    Try & stay up, especially for your mom.

    My condolences,


  • xavier, truly sorry for your loss. thank you VERY much for posting this. it's lets us know each moment of life is a gift. after the pain goes away please be aware that the last thing your brother wants is his family being sad. peace, stein. . .

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    So sorry for your loss Xavier. Nothing I can say will help but I feel for you. Last week my colleague and friend got a call saying his brother had died suddenly. Went to the doctor with a back pain then headed up to the hospital for a test and died from a blood clot in the waiting room. My friend's father died 18 months ago (on the same day my father died) and like you my friend had to break the news about his brother's death to his mother. Look out for each other and be strong for your mother. Life is precious. Peace.

    The funeral was yesterday and I think that was a big help - a real celebration of his life and what he meant to the people around him.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    thanks guys. i still can't beleive it, he was only 30. he was almost done a 13 hour work-shift (11:00 pm to 12) only for a freak accident to happen an hour and half before he punched out, i miss him so much right now.


  • Very sorry to hear that, man. Condolences to you and your family.

  • condolences to your family man. keep your head up.
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