Pro Tools vs. Cool Edit
3,633 Posts
Better subject... "Pro Tools vs. Cool Edit or: Everything I've Ever Wanted to know about producing but was afraid to ask".I'm not even a lil' dude when it comes to production. I'm a non-dude. Some of you are laughing at the mere comparison of these two software packages but when it comes down to it what makes these different. Hip-hop producing is mainly just chopping beats up and looping them. What does Pro Tools offer above-and-beyond that? Why should someone get Pro Tools?
If you have more specific questions I may be able to help. been using pro tools for 4 years now. ever had a PC so i don't know about cool edit. Seems like more of a novice piece of software where PT is the pro standard. I'm sure great things can be done in cool edit though. It's not the tools as much as what you do with them. It's up to you and your creativity. There's a saying that goes "Shit in, shit out" You can have the best studio and software but that wont make you a good beatmaker, producer, mixer, engineer, etc. It's all fun.
Pro Tools is kinda hard to learn at first but once you get it, pretty much anything is possible.
should be stuff in here that'll answer your question.
Curiosity mainly with a side of wanting to make some beats.