Trapped in the Closet



  • Stop trying to golden shower the dude with praise.

    i just made this awkward loud snort sound because i was trying to surpress my laughter in the workplace when i read that. thanks dude, my coworkers think i'm crazy now

    me and my roommate have the same idea as mike to have a viewing party at our house. the first time we saw the early chapters on vh1 we were in so much pain from laughing. i know it's bad, but i can't resist it...

  • mrpekmrpek 627 Posts
    soon he will be Academy Award winnig R&B Sensation Robert "Kells" Kelly

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I really think people throw around term genius to easily. The shit is just bad, but un-intentionally hilarious. Stop trying to golden shower the dude with praise.

    I don't think anyone genuinely thinks the schitt is "good," Young Phonics, but it's definitely a work of unintentional genius.

    but does the "Arr-uh" know this? Is he aware that he's the laughing stock of internet message boards and perhaps the public at large? Does he still believe he can touch the sky?

    Trust me, if you watch the remaining seven chapters, you'll realize that the Awruh is at least partly in on the joke.

  • I believe in the future, there will be a reality television show called Trapped in the Closet where R. Kelly helps people with their problems.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I believe in the future, there will be a reality television show called Trapped in the Closet where R. Kelly helps people with their problems.

    "Trapped in the Closet will be here twenty years from now..."

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts

    [color:#666666]Not rated. This movie has not been rated by the MPAA. [/color]



    An important cultural event.

    Ya'll are sleeping.

    I just got it in the mail for review. Can't wait to pop it in the player (no ayo). I've seen a couple of the chapters before, so I'm sure it'll be 100 mins. of envigorating drama.

  • PlanetPlanet 589 Posts

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    . It's not particularly creative, artistic, or even sensical but the very fact that it's made in earnest makes it so you can't look away.

    i would argue that this is THE most creative thing out on the music scene.kelly definitly deserves golden showers of praise (no ironic.)

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Attention Young Phonics:

    why dont you produce something better...., November 9, 2005

    Reviewer: Erik Richards "" (London UK)

    I am amazed at people who write these reviews, but i guess if fools like myself didnt read them they would have no platform for their negative voices.
    Instead of roasting another black brother for their efforts and using their creativity however the results, put your money or Talent where your mouth is and produce better. Show us your worth so we can get a chance to rip into what you may deem as a worthy project.
    I thought it was an interesting concept it really got people in the UK talking and looking at what and how life can be.

    Where is your "Trapped in the Closet"?

  • aegisaegis 261 Posts

    I just got it in the mail for review. Can't wait to pop it in the player (no ayo). I've seen a couple of the chapters before, so I'm sure it'll be 100 mins. of envigorating drama.

    Really? Is it that long? I think I have only seen through 7 or 8 and I NEED to get caught up soon.

  • why dont you produce something better...., November 9, 2005

    Reviewer: Erik Richards "" (London UK)

    I thought it was an interesting concept it really got people in the UK talking and looking at what and how life can be.[/b]

    Pardon me while I snicker uncontrollably.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    why dont you produce something better...., November 9, 2005

    Reviewer: Erik Richards "" (London UK)

    I thought it was an interesting concept it really got people in the UK talking and looking at what and how life can be.[/b]

    Pardon me while I snicker uncontrollably.

    UK Strutters: defend your country's honor!

  • UK Strutters: defend your country's honor honour!


  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts

  • It's not out of line to say this is the #1 most interesting work of art of 2005. Rips apart narrative conventions without breaking a sweat and makes everything else look totally safe & dull by comparison.

    I'm astounded anyone could think it's "unintentional" in any respect or that R. Kelly is somehow not in on the joke... Maybe if you've only seen one or two of them, but after all 12 you'd better believe that dude knows what he's doing. What, you think it was all an accident?

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    SHould I go buy it right now?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    It's not out of line to say this is the #1 most interesting work of art of 2005. Rips apart narrative conventions without breaking a sweat and makes everything else look totally safe & dull by comparison.

    I'm astounded anyone could think it's "unintentional" in any respect or that R. Kelly is somehow not in on the joke... Maybe if you've only seen one or two of them, but after all 12 you'd better believe that dude knows what he's doing. What, you think it was all an accident?

    Eh, it's funny for multiple reasons, some of which Kells clearly intended, and others I'm not so sure about.

    To take an obvious example, does Kells realize how funny repeating a "A rubber, a rubber, a rubber" in an escalating voice is? I'm not so sure, given some of the lyrics he's delivered apparently deadpan over the past dozen years. He's clearly not a person of ordinary sensibilities.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    SHould I go buy it right now?

    You mean you haven't done so already?

    What were you doing all day that could have been more important than this?

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    SHould I go buy it right now?

    You mean you haven't done so already?

    What were you doing all day that could have been more important than this?

    I dont know. Sleeping. (literally), I guess i need to run to ameoba. Its sounds like an event.

  • To take an obvious example, does Kells realize how funny repeating a "A rubber, a rubber, a rubber" in an escalating voice is?

    It's enough that the line "Oh my god a rubber, rubber, rubber" exists in music (and video), but the way he enunciates "rub-bihrr" makes it all the more entertaining.

  • Do you have to be a previous fan of R. Kelly's work, or will people who can't stand him find it enjoyable too?

    I do admit I like that "Feeling On Your Booty", for comic purposes...



  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Do you have to be a previous fan of R. Kelly's work, or will people who can't stand him find it enjoyable too?

    Regardless of your past history with kells, if you can't enjoy "Trapped..." on some level you probably have no soul.

  • To take an obvious example, does Kells realize how funny repeating a "A rubber, a rubber, a rubber" in an escalating voice is?

    It's enough that the line "Oh my god a rubber, rubber, rubber" exists in music (and video), but the way he enunciates "rub-bihrr" makes it all the more entertaining.

    When R dons the accent laden voice of the policeman's wife I stand and applaud every time... a performance truly in the vein of R.Kelly's finest works and another example of America's finest Pedophile at work.

  • all episodes are better than his 'performance' at the mtv awards??

    have to give him props for the summer bunnies video though..just need to see an uncut version.

  • sayin'.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    all episodes are better than his 'performance' at the mtv awards??

    have to give him props for the summer bunnies video though..just need to see an uncut version.

    Its incredible. My favorite thing ive seen this year. Worth it just to hear mr. kellz sing passionately about a midget in a cabinet.

    SO glad i own this. thanks soulstrut.

  • how is chapelle's show not on right now? r. kelly provides enough material for weeks!

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    why dont you produce something better...., November 9, 2005

    Reviewer: Erik Richards "" (London UK)

    I thought it was an interesting concept it really got people in the UK talking and looking at what and how life can be.[/b]

    Pardon me while I snicker uncontrollably.

    UK Strutters: defend your country's honor!

    I like it. I thought it was funny in a so-bad-it's-good way. My girl even bought his last album because it had chapters 1-5 as a bonus DVD. We both agreed that there've been deeper episodes of "Sunset Beach". I mean, I think Kells is a talented cat and all, but he does seem to take himself somewhat seriously at times. Not half as seriously as that yahoo does, though.

    Disclaimer: this is my own opinion, and I do not profess to speak for "people in the UK".

  • This looks like it'll finally give him enough scratch to buy that olympic sized, urine filled swimming pool he's had his eye on....
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