Starlito: "For My Foes - The Musical"

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited February 2012 in Strut Central
:latte: ?

This is fucking great. I must have watched it about half a dozen times this weekend. I feel like a complete mug for sleeping on this lad for so long.


  • Man, yeah!

    Late pass true, but saul goode.

    Has been my soundtrack for a month or more now, dude is an incredibly intricate writer and, as my man Scrap pointed out, never does the major underlining that most MCs seem to find irresistible. Like, "you see what I did there?"

    The visual element adds a lot of his personality, dude is hilarious and works the camera well. I imagine he'll be doing some big shit soon enough.

    You should check out his other tapes. Renaissance Gangster and Step Brothers get a lot of burn too.

  • I've been playing the shit out of this to all and sundry since JP posted it.

    Is there anyway to download it as a video in HD?

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Yeah, the thing I was immediately struck by was his wit and personality. He's got genuine star quality, but not in that overly driven and slightly crazy way that you see in most of the people who have terms like that applied to them. That Devin/Kanye self-deprecation has become a stock element of so many different kinds of emcee's style these days, and he puts a clever twist on it. The visuals really bring it to life as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts to get calls from casting agents soon either.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah will never overlook another chance to underline how great Starlito is as the man has been putting out a lot of top quality music for a while now. I never really noticed him when he was All $tar but his collaborations with Burn One got me interested and since then I've been a rabid consumer of everything he puts out. JP nails it that part of his charm to me is that he's a great writer but tends to deliver it in such a laid back fashion that it's only on repeated listens you hear how much is going on. Love the concept and execution of this musical. And the car.

    Funnily enough The Martorialist recently put together a compilation of some of his best stuff which is well worth checking as an introduction/tracks you missed for anyone who's interested in him.

  • Junior said:
    The Martorialist recently put together a compilation of some of his best stuff which is well worth checking as an introduction/tracks you missed for anyone who's interested in him.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Junior said:
    Funnily enough The Martorialist recently put together a compilation of some of his best stuff which is well worth checking as an introduction/tracks you missed for anyone who's interested in him.

    So, someone asked me to put a Lito comp together for them after hearing me rave about him for 18 months solid, and I was looking for a couple of tracks from this comp to put on it. It was at this point that I realised the relevant folder was amongst the stuff I lost in a hard-drive failure earlier this year, and the original link is dead. Anyone got a copy of the file they can re-up?

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Link seems to work for me, Doc.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Unherd said:
    Link seems to work for me, Doc.

    Weird - so it does. Thanks for the heads-up. It definitely wasn't working for me last week.
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