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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">DrWu</strong> said:</div><div> I don't know about you but I like the post Doc game a lot more than before. I only see one dunk here that could be called travelling.<br /> <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> Let me explain.....<br /> <br /> The ONLY reason the NBA merged with the ABA was because the ABA was flashier and more exciting with the 3 Point Shot and Dr. J.....while Doc could make MOST of those dunks without travellin, very few others could. So in order to make the NBA more exciting, which by the way was dying by the early 70's, they allowed other players to take an extra half step....the refs were basically told to overlook an extra half step without actually changing the rule book. Today it's rare to see travelling called during a drive to the hoop.<br /> <br /> While I like the Dr. J style of play, I don't like the fact that they allow a long standing rule to be broken in order to facilitate it.<br /> <br /> I liked that late night show a few years back where they played hoops with trampolines built into the floor. And I like And 1 for what it is.<br /> <br /> But I'd rather see players evolve to raise the level of the game rather than the game devolve to raise the level of it's players.<br /> <br /> Hope that makes sense.</div></blockquote> <br /> It's not just the traveling. The bigger problem was the refs favoring the superstars, which reached its peak with Jordan but remains a problem.