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<blockquote>so 3500 US lives are worth what a million(or probably more) lives in iraq, afghanistan, and pakistan? yeah, that seems right, doesn't it? not to mention how many of our own soldiers lives have been given now? (it's more than the amt. lost in 9/11)<br /> clearly we've made the world safer after decimating a country that had nothing to do with 9-11(iraq) and afghanistan. just think how many kids growing up in iraq, afghanistan, and pakistan adore the US now after all our help. none of those kids associate their countries problems or their own with an ongoing occupation do they? we clearly won their hearts and minds with the "collateral damage", abu ghraib, torture at guantanamo, drone attacks, and our use of depleted uranium which will be causing birth defects and a litany of other health problems to their population for years to come. those kids had it coming didn't they?<br /> "During a three week period of conflict in 2003 in Iraq, 1,000 to 2,000 tonnes of DU munitions were used.[9]"<br /> <br /> <br /> i'm just saying we can't revenge our way out of this. our actions continue to be an aid in the recruitment of our enemies plain and simple. bin laden's idea was to get us involved in numerous wars in the middle east that would bring our economy to the brink. anyone knows a military powerhouse can only be as strong as it's economy at home or it will eventually start to come apart at the seams. <br /> <br /> also of note:we are seeing revolutions in a number of middle eastern and african countries and guess what: the revolutions had nothing to do with a.q. but they are serving to topple the "near enemy" which was a stated goal of o.b.l. <br /> this is discussed here:<br /><br /> <br /> also this has some interesting points:<br /><br /> <br /> one last thing:<br /> a very wise and influential stoner once said:<br /> <br /> "an eye for an eye makes the world go blind"<br /> <br /> fortunately, we can disregard this statement today as he was probably drunk or stoned when he said it.</blockquote> <br /> I don't know why you suppose that anyone here was arguing that the invasion of Iraq was justified. It wasn't, obviously.