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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">StoneHands</strong> said:</div><div>You're all over the place Bob. If Nietzsche's influence is overblown, then so is Martin Luther's. Are we gonna start blaming the Nazi's on occultism, or the Vedas? <br /> Is it theism that is causing the Middle East problems? Examples of peaceful religious co-existence are numerous. <br /> As for Communism, then it is "religion" in the sense of "ideology". Semantics, as far as Im concerned. Can you term liberal democracy a religion, since people ascribe to it in numbers and propagate it as a political absolute?</div></blockquote> <br /> I'm not the one who brought up genocide. You did that.<br /> <br /> And, yeah, I think conflicts between theisms are absolutely related to the problems in the Middle East. <br /> <br /> I don't know anyone who is saying liberal democracy is an absolute. The unique thing about theism is that theists see themselves as backed up by an eternal, almighty creature who is the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong. Who is the equivalent in "liberal democracy"? <br /> <br /> The point about Luther is that vicious anti-Semitism had a centuries-long history in German culture. Widespread and present among a broad swathe of society. How well known do you think the writings of Nietzsche were? It seems absurd to me to look to Nietzsche instead of a cultural constant of long standing, but I guess that's the thing you have to do when you're compelled to make excuses for religion.