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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div>You are 100% correct....a "good" lawyer, one who is adept at manipulating the system, gets paid top dollar and can get a guilty man off for his crimes.<br /> <br /> The rich hire these "good" lawyers and that is why each and every one of you get to decry that the rich get "special" treatment....they do, and they pay for it.....I think it sucks and I think lawyers, the likes of a Frank Ragano or Murray Richman, who BRAG about getting guilty men set free are won't convince me otherwise.<br /> <br /> A defense attorney with integrity, who knows his client is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, will suggest and effectively receive a plea bargain for his client.<br /> <br /> Setting a guilty man free based on technicalities is not what our Judiical system was created to do.<br /> <br /> Do I know our system isn't perfect, of course.....does that mean those who participate in it shouldn't strive for perfection?... not imo.</div></blockquote> <br /> I'll grant that attorneys who brag about getting guilty men off should be despised. They should also be disbarred, but not for getting guilty men off. They should be disbarred for bragging about it and breaking attorney/client privilege.<br /> <br /> Lots of public defenders with good reason to know their clients are guilty get their clients off, too. It's not just a matter of rich and poor.<br /> <br /> Your plea bargain suggestion is an atrocity - any defense attorney who operated that way is a coward who is not living up to his oath and should also be disbarred.<br /> <br /> Setting a guilty man free on "technicalities" is EXACTLY what our legal system is supposed to do, and describing rights granted by the Constitution as "technicalities" is not just yahoo talk, it's totalitarian thinking.<br /> <br /> If you were arrested for your favorite inhalable vice and your attorney got you off based on "technicalities" like the 4th Amendment or some shoddy lab work I wouldn't think he was doing something unethical or illegal, no matter how sure he was of your guilt. He'd be doing his job, period.