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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">luck</strong> said:</div><div>And I just caught this "hero" stuff. Again, <em>ojo</em>: Trump is America at its worst. He is an execrable human being. He should not be referenced by politicians. I should not even be talking about him. But file this mistake of Obama's under "why you don't give the kids sugar" or "why we don't negotiate with terrorists" or "don't get the gremlin wet." In any of these cases, it's actually the parent's/adult's fault for walking down that road.</div></blockquote> <br /> Fair enough, but it doesn't matter. Releasing this new form hasn't even slowed down the Birther Express:<br /> <br /> "Texas state legislator Leo Berman, a Republican, has introduced a bill that would require proof of citizenship from presidential candidates. It???s one of many such bills in the states. And according to Sharon Guthrie, Berman???s legislative director, the legislation is still needed and the long-form birth certificate released by the White House today does not satisfy its requirements.<br /> <br /> ???What I???ve seen online, what they produced today, still says certificate of live birth across the top,??? she told me. And she???s right.<br /> <br /> But why isn???t that just a nomenclature issue? Why does it matter?<br /> <br /> ???We want to see a ???birth certificate,?????? Guthrie explained. ???The one that we have that says ???birth certificate??? is from Mombassa, Kenya, with his footprint on it. He has still not produced an American birth certificate."<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /> I said earlier in the thread that Obama shouldn't cater to these morons because it was to his political advantage not to, but it turns out they're not going to go away and he still has that advantage.<br /> <br /> I apologize for underestimating the stupidity of conservatives. It won't happen again.<br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" />