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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div>But I promise you there are non-fringe lunatics, who voted for Obama, have NO doubt about whether or not he was born on American soil and who like Horseleech above are thinking "Hmmm...I wonder if there is anything on that Birth Certificate that he doesn't want us to see"?<br /> <br /> I don't think those who think that are crazy, racist or even slightly off-centered.....they voted for "Transparency" and this can appear as the opposite to normal folks.<br /> <br /> Yeah....I get the "Why should he bow down to these idiots" angle and how doing so would seem irrational but if the Governor of Hawaii spent the time and effort, HE must have seen a value in it too.<br /> <br /> Again, If I were him I'd do it and I see no downside to doing so.</div></blockquote> <br /> The governor of Hawaii thought he'd be doing a favor to Obama - he knew him as a child. So he took the "time and effort" to make a couple of phone calls. Big deal.<br /> <br /> What are your concerns about what "might" be on the birth certificate? That he's a space alien? <br /> <br /> The "transparency" argument strikes me as ridiculous. If next week the nuts are demanding that Obama provide a plaster-cast of his unit will you and Horseleech start saying "maybe he's got something he doesn't want us to see" and "he's spent considerable time and money trying to avoid a plaster-cast"?<br /> <br /> What's the difference?