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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div><br /> <br /> I never stated that all polls are the contrary, I'm a scientist and know if done correctly they can be accurate and meaningful.....and scientific.<br /> <br /> The specific one you cited is bullshit.....seeking out and polling 240 like minded people out of 2.8 million means less than nothing when used to represent a large percentage of an entire state.</div></blockquote> <br /> But it wasn't a pol of the entire state, just the Republicans in that state. If you examine the poll in that light your numbers change quite a bit and bring the percentages in line with polls you'd respect.<br /> <br /> Mississippi is 35-40% black and for some odd reason (I have no idea what it could be, do you?) not a whole lot of them are Republicans.<br /> <br /> I'm saying you're calling that poll bullshit not because of methodology but because it doesn't support your "all regions are the same" ideology. I'm still waiting for you to offer data in support of that position, but I think if you could do that you would have done it already.<br /> <br /> I know you can't even begin to address the "10% of white Alabamans voting for Obama" fact because there's just no possible way to spin it to conform with your "all regions are the same" theme. No possible way.<br /> <br /> Unless they thought the name "Obama" was somehow an insult directed at Alabama. Yeah, maybe it was something like that. Like it was code for Zero-bama.<br /> <br /> That must be it.