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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">BobDesperado</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div>There are plenty of scientific polls that are meaningful....a sample of 400 out of 2.8 million is not, no matter how you try to spin it.</div></blockquote> <br /> Show me the polls you respect that show results contrary to what I'm suggesting. <br /> <br /> And all scientific polling is done with relatively small samples. You know that already, so who is actually doing the spinning here?</div></blockquote> <br /> Most independent polls are designed to attain a specific end point.....the old saying "Statistics never lie, but statisticians do" should be heeded.<br /> <br /> As far as what makes up a meaningful poll I know you in particular will enjoy this description taken directly from the Gallup people.....they scoff at a 400 of 2.8 million sampling and see it as pretty meaningless.<br /> <br /> <strong>The first one thousand people streaming out of a Yankees game in the Bronx clearly aren't representative of all Americans. Now consider a group compiled by selecting 1,000 people coming out of a Major League Baseball game in every state in the continental United States -- 48,000 people! We now have a much larger group -- but we are still no closer to representing the views of all Americans than we were in the Bronx. We have a lot of baseball fans, but, depending on the circumstances, these 48,000 people may not even be a good representative sample of all baseball fans in the country -- much less all Americans, baseball fans or not.</strong><br /> <br /> Enjoyed the discussion with all of you, calling it a night.</div></blockquote> <br /> So you flew the flag of surrender.<br /> <br /> I hope it was a Rangers pennant and not that BAD, BAD Confederate flag.<br /> <br /> BTW polls on elections tend to have very consistent results regardless of the entity doing the polls. Polling organizations that show disparate results don't usually stick around very long. They get stuck with the dreaded "outlier" label and who wants to pay for that kind of crap, etc.<br /> <br /> So the "all polls are bullshit" ruse becomes the line of choice for people who can't produce any data, anywhere, to support their spurious conclusions. And no, I'm not impressed by the fact that no Klansmen come up to you shooting the shit on a regular basis. You're a big scary looking hippie and they know you're not one of them because your hair and beard would stick out from under a hood.<br /> <br /> Try adding a swastika neck tattoo and you might get very different results.