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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div>So forgive me for not "admitting" that I believe the "War on Drugs" in our country is primarily a black one. The white dude who has been in prison in Texas since the 70's for smuggling pot has been harmed just as much as the black dude in Baltimore arrested with a vial of crack. If you feel the need to point out that MORE black men/families have been harmed, great, as long as we can agree to fix the damn problem.<br /> <br /> This is something I truly believe can be fixed and I hope it happens in my lifetime. But it's going to take everyone realizing that it DOES hit their homes and families to get it done. And based on population alone that has to include ALL people.<br /> <br /> This is just one drop in the bucket towards correcting the race relations in our country, but it's the only one I can think of that can be addressed quickly and has a good chance of actually accomplishing something. </div></blockquote> <br /> I agree with all of this, as I think you know from prior discussions.<br /> <br /> I doubt very much that big changes will be made in national drug policies apart from those dealing with pot, at least in the near future. If they are or they aren't, we're still left with an overall system that has embedded racial disparity and accepts it.<br /> <br /> There was something posted above about black defendants missing hearings, etc. at a higher rate than whites. I don't doubt that this happens, but it's hard not to think that it's also understandable. Why exactly would black people have anywhere near the same faith in the courts that white people do? They'd have to be crazy to ignore the historical record that shows they don't get even treatment. They don't, and that's a fact, and it's a fact regardless of whether drugs are an element of the offense.