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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">SportCasual</strong> said:</div><div>You party line liberals think that everything is cool because you got rid of Bush? Newsflash, the world is starting to hate us more than ever. It is because of all this hypocrisy and side talking on EVERYTHING. You think the rest of the world notices any sort of foreign policy difference depending on who controls the White House or the Legislature? LOL, no.<br /> <br /> This is war fought for special interest groups. Those groups being US, UK and French electorate. The talk about a few billion in arms deals is a drop in the bucket compared to the 1.5 billion gallons of oil these 3 countries need EVERY DAY to keep their economies from falling off a cliff. It's all for you Dan, you can rock that eagle with a tear bumper sticker with pride as you support our troops stationed at Virtual Reality command centers dotted around the globe sending Hellfires from drones into God only knows what future war-torn generation of people who already know only the shitty side of globalization.<br /> <br /> Maybe it is time to get Goldhagen to write a book about "ordinary Americans" and how they are culturally or socially predisposed to accepting wide scale illegal killing so they can have a 2 car garage. What other explanation can there be for this 180 degree turn from some of our esteemed political posters?<br /> <br /> The longer you deny what our extended tour of the Oil Lands is all about, the harder the crash is going to be. The US economy could fall outside the top 5 within 10 years. Imagine that. We will have to use diplomacy to get what we want. We will be fucked.</div></blockquote> <br /> So no one has pure motives and countries tend to act in their own self interest to gratify the material demands of their citizens.<br /> <br /> Wow, that's some advanced level shit that has never occurred to me. Thanks, Perfessor. Is it okay if I print that out and keep it in my wallet?