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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">BobDesperado</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div>Fuck Warren Buffett<br /> <br /> I make a decent income.....I take ONLY the very basic tax write-offs that are available to ANY home-owning family. I leave a lot of money on the table annually by not taking what I see as unecessary tax write-offs and I sleep well at night as a result.<br /> <br /> The one time I hired an acccountant to do my taxes he called me a fool and I wound up doing my taxes myself as I have for the last 33 years.<br /> <br /> If Warren Buffett believes the rich are not paying enough taxes he should do the same thing....but instead he takes advantage of every law and loophole a bazillionaire like himself is privy to and then takes a "moral" stand about how it's wrong.<br /> <br /> Fucck Warren Buffett......lead by example you greedy mofo.</div></blockquote> <br /> Buffett does endless work for charity and his statements on tax fairness are valid. The true greedy motherfuckers don't give a damn and work actively to make the tax code (and everything else) even less fair.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Does Buffett actually max out his tax breaks? I don't know and neither do you. But to pretend he's the bad guy here is just silly.</div></blockquote> <br /> Charity work aside....we DO know, by his own admission that he pays a lower tax % than his secretary. As you yourself have explained the tax rates here based on level of income, you know this would be impossible without tax shelters/write-offs, etc.<br /> <br /> You can pay taxes without using such advantages if you choose to.</div></blockquote> <br /> Most of his income comes from capital gains. Capital gains aren't taxed like "normal" income - they're taxed at 15%. <br /> <br /> No shelters/write-offs necessary beyond that. That's how it works. Nothing "impossible" or even difficult about it.<br /> <br /> Hedge fund managers - who tend to make shitloads of money - also benefit from this reality.