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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Big_Stacks</strong> said:</div><div>Hey,<br /> <br /> Here is a post from some years ago (2008) where I discussed the negative ramifications of Obama's election among the majority:<br /> <br /> <blockquote>Hey Willie,<br /> <br /> Excellent observation on your part, and given prior theory and research, I predict that you'll see a spike in anti-minority sentiments among Whites compared to just a few years ago. Also, there were reports of anti-minority violence, perpetrated by angry Whites, shortly after Obama's election win, which corroborates group position theory (Blumer, 1958; Bobo, 1999). In this theory, members of high-status groups are predicted to become more hostile in response to perceived threats to their privileged status position in society. To some, President-Elect Obama personifies this form of threat. It will be interesting to see the implications that the economy and relevant events have for race relations in the near future.<br /> <br /> References:<br /> <br /> Blumer, H. (1958). Race prejudice as a sense of group position. Pacific Sociological Review, 1, 3-7.<br /> <br /> Bobo, L. D. (1999). Prejudice as group position: Microfoundations of a sociological approach to racism and race relations. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 445-473.<br /> <br /> Peace,<br /> <br /> Big Stacks from Kakalak <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> It seems particularly, though indirectly, relevant these days, huh?<br /> <br /> Peace,<br /> <br /> Big Stacks from Kakalak</blockquote> <br /> No question. Obama's the perfect storm for the right-wing. Funny foreign-sounding name, Ivy League education, un-white, pro-choice, left of center, relatively young, able to beat the pants off of their candidate, and very, very calm as he basically dismisses their concerns as not very important. That someone like him could be president would have struck them as absolutely impossible 5 years ago.