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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Dr*Gonzo</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">SoulOnIce</strong> said:</div><div>For those trying to paint the Palin connection as being raised in hindsight in an opportunistic attempt to attack her, get your facts straight - this "crosshairs" campaign of hers was criticized at the time it appeared, by many, as a potential incitement to violence .... so people aren't digging this up for convenience, many of them are seeing it as what they feared coming true. The link from MLJ to her opponent's "shoot an M16" event is a shocking (for many) and disturbing (hopefully for most) indicator of the climate this woman was working in. While this event may not have been inevitable, or even the direct result of this political rhetoric of gun play and violence, anyone denying that politicians on the right are dangerously exploiting this "us vs them" and militant mindset for political gain - with potentially disastrous results like what took place yesterday - is either ignorant or lying.</div></blockquote> <br /> All politicians use this rhetoric. Candidate Obama himself once said something to the affect of - if they bring a knife to the fight, I'm bringing a gun. That's paraphrased, but the sentiment is there. Both sides use militaristic or violent language when discussing political strategy. <br /> <br /> The fact of the matter is, no matter what our politics are, we usually believe that our opponents and their rhetoric is somehow more dangerous and damaging than that of those we agree with. Olbermann deserves to be mentioned in the same boat with beck and hannity. Obama, pelosi, and Reid are in the same boat as bush Cheney and rove.</div></blockquote> <br /> "All politicians" use this rhetoric? Come on. They do no such thing. Sarah Palin makes this gun-toting bullshit a core element of her persona. You think some vague one-time statement by Obama that you can't source or even quote accurately is even worth mentioning in that context? That's like the Indoor World Record for False Equivalency. <br /> <br /> Can I trade you a dollar for all of your worldly possessions? They both have value, right? So it's the same thing!