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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">sabadabada</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">davidwingate</strong> said:</div><div> saba, concentrating on how much she spent on a purse is just straight petty dude, but then again these are the same cheap shots that beck and the rest throw. now before you get your panties in a bunch, understand I am NOT equating you with beck.</div></blockquote> <br /> Really. Because it sounds like that's exactly what you're doing. At least own up to it. <br /> <br /> But, as long as we're playing the race card, what if I were to say I didn't like the First Lady because I thought she was a racist? Am I a racist just for entertaining the idea that a black person can be racist? Is anyone here going to challenge the possibility that black people can be just as racist and closed minded as the reddest necked Klansman? I think if you do, you either have a very limited exposure to the black community, are willfully avoiding the truth about human nature, and/or viewing black people not as individuals, but rather as just some group - the "minority." That's still a label rather than appreciating someone as an individual. And in my opinion it's just a destructive regardless of whether you view the group kindly or not. I think we can all agree that there are good people and there are bad people no matter how you want to categorize them.<br /> <br /> As for the First Lady. She's written and said some pretty messed-up things that reflect a super-consciousness, almost paranoid, preoccupation with race that reflects the type of thinking I mentioned above. I think she see's a white person as white and then we have to try and make-up for that fact from there. She's said and written things that if the equivalent had been said by a white person, it would be cause for universal condemnation and rightly so. You might choose to give her a pass simply because shes black or because you like Obama or his policies. I don't. I don't care what her background is, or what adversity she may have overcome, or what she's achieved. There is no excuse or explanation for racism. She gets no pass from me and I wouldn't expect anyone to give me a pass if I held the same views in reverese.</div></blockquote> <br /> Amir is wrong to give you a pass on being as bad as Beck. This garbage is exactly the sort of shit Beck and Limbaugh and so forth have said about Michelle Obama and her supposed hatred of whites. I'm surprised you didn't bring up that fake "Whitey" tape. And I notice you don't bother to back up your mind-reading bullshit with actual examples, because they'd be such weak sauce that anyone reading would immediately see how ridiculous your claims are.<br /> <br /> Update: And your big piece of evidence was her SENIOR THESIS?<br /> <br /> Wow. That's just incredible. I apologize to Beck for comparing him to you. His material is better.