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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Martin</strong> said:</div><div>C'mon dude. The seperation of church and state is nowhere in the constitution but the first amendment has been referenced through history as the writing that implies it. Most people know this, including you I'm sure.</div></blockquote> <br /> The Constitution has been abused and chipped away at by the courts over many, many years, no doubt about it. Our nation has become far worse off for that abuse of the social contract and that is why we conservatives are demanding from our representatives fealty to Constitutional principles and forwarding candidates who declare (and prove via their actions) their commitment to such.<br /> <br /> <blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Martin</strong> said:</div><div>If O'Donnell is elected we all lose.</div></blockquote> <br /> I'm sorry, but the issues facing this nation are not matters of how one feels about the topics of "whacking off" or "intelligent design." The issues that are facing people are the state of the economy and out of control government spending. I know how O'Donnell will vote on these issues.Therefore, if O'Donnell is elected "we all win."<br /> <br /> Sidenote: Coons, who was previously against extending the Bush tax cuts for top income earners/taxpayers, is all of a sudden now for extending the Bush tax cuts to <strong><em>all</em></strong> income earners/taxpayers. O'Donnell is driving the debate and Coons (wanting to get elected) is following in kind.