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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">willie_fugal</strong> said:</div><div>PelvicDust - you seem to hold the belief that the standards for treatment of dogs (or even all animals???) should be very close to, if not the same as, the standards for treatment of humans.<br /> <br /> you also seem to fail to understand that other folks (and i'd include myself in this group) believe that the welfare of our own species holds much greater moral importance than the welfare of non-human species.<br /> <br /> in the same way that i would never "humanely slaughter" another human being just because i thought parts of their flesh tasted good when cooked in oil and butter and topped with a-1 sauce, even though i have no problem with the same being done to a cow, i also find sadism towards humans far more abhorrent than, say, someone breaking a dog's leg.<br /> <br /> you must deal.<br /> <br /> b/w none of what i wrote excuses Vick for what he did. nor did society excuse him--he was punished. <br /> <br /> again: you must deal.</div></blockquote> <br /> Oh, I can deal. I just think that what Vick did sets him outside of the boundaries of decent human beings.<br /> <br /> I'm not sure why that is controversial.<br /> <br /> I'm not sure why anyone is willing to welcome this bag of shit back into mainstream society as though his crimes were somehow not very serious.<br /> <br /> But I'm seeing that here over and over again. No big deal. They were only dogs. Oh, sorry, "goddamn" dogs.<br /> <br /> I think the guy's a proven scumbag and I hope his career falls apart. Some people here want to buy his jersey and root for him openly.<br /> <br /> I'm not sure how "dealing" means I can't continue to point out that the guy is a major maggot.<br /> <br /> And sorry, but people ARE excusing him. And they will continue to do so as long as he's effective on the field.<br /> <br /> And I also find sadism towards humans to be more offensive than sadism towards animals, but that's not even remotely the issue here. It is in fact a stupendously stupid objection to what I'm saying. <br /> <br /> "How dare you object to cruelty to animals when people are also cruel to humans?" Really? Is that the point you want to make?<br /> <br /> It's not worth making.