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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Garcia_Vega</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">HarveyCanal</strong> said:</div><div><br /> Alright, here's where you internet nerds need to stay on the NEWSFLAH, real life is 100% subjective. Sometimes late fees get waived. Sometimes policemen let people who have actually committed crimes off the hook. Sometimes parents tell their kids, if you do this again you will have this taken from you and the kid does it again but the thing never indeed gets taken away. That's life, bitches, and we're all better off for it.<br /> <br /> Being such a stickler for rules is far more tyrannnical than anything that I'm endorsing here. Those referees coulda just called it a touchdown and that's what it would have been. They have that power as they are the ones on the field and they shouldn't relinquish that power to some idiotic notion that a badly written rule should be enforced to the tee of its idiocy. Enforcing rules to the strictest measure shouldn't ever get in the way of common sense. <br /> <br /> But oh yeah, welcome to dumbed-done, no-balls modern day America...where so-called men subordinate themselves to rule books.</div></blockquote> <br /> A-nar-chy! A-nar-chy! A-nar-chy!<br /> <br /> We wouldn't need rules if people just stopped being so stupid and used common sense!<br /> <br /> You know Harvey, I'm kind of suprised at your line of argument here. I could have sworn I've read your tirades against how laws are only selectively enforced in America. Sure, maybe we should have less rules. But the ones we have, should be enforced on everyone equally right?</div></blockquote> <br /> Except in the NBA.