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My dad had double bypass surgery on my birthday, Sept 2, after going in the day before just for some tests. He texted me this today, "To children and sibs: we drove to library (4 blocks) and we walked the park (1.25 miles) in 27 minutes. Big day for stuie. Love you guys, thanks for the support."<br /> <br /> I tried to call a friend last night that I haven't talked to in a long time and got no answer, so I watched the "heart and soul" episode of Skeleton Warriors. At the end of the episode there is an interesting question about peace.<br /> <br /> "Peace is such an abstract thing. Is it the comfort one takes in friends and family, or the rest that one occassionally finds from one's own soul, or does one achieved peace in the kind of silence of ones enemies before they make their peace with you?"<br /> <br /> I think for me I find peace in working to make my friends and family comfortable to the point where I am sore and can rest from my soul. (I did this as a child in school, on the soccer field, and the track.)<br /> <br /> Bob Weir said in his childhood, "there was a whole lot of love, but not very much peace."<br /> <br /> Hope this helps you accept your lovins.<br /> No need for the candy flips or nothin man...that is not you.