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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">ketan</strong> said:</div><div>Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na.....</div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> It's damn near impossible to play a round without someone at some point dropping a line from Caddyshack.<br /> <br /> When I was young my grandparents lived on one of the fairways (actually a house alongside the fairway, you get the idea) at Bay Hill in Orlando. Gramps had four golf carts in his garage and a few thousand balls in egg cartons from all of the wayward shots that would hit the house. He'd give them out to anyone who stopped by. Friends of his would be playing, have a shot hit the house, stop by later on and wind up leaving with a fresh dozen. I remember him driving us around the course to show us where all the alligators were, and letting us play in the sandtraps after the last foursome of the day went by.<br /> <br /> I played a lot 15 years ago, maybe 3-4 times a week. Just picked it back up again in the last year. I suck though, 90-95 usually. 95-105 if they sell beer on the course. If I get it straight I'm out 300 off the tee, then it all falls apart from there as I have the touch of a bricklayer.