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<blockquote><blockquote><br />The Iraq Liberation Act did not authorize a war.<br /><br />You could look it up.</blockquote><br />I did, section 4(a)(2)) clearly authorizes the use of the military to remove Saddam. Of course I'm sure what they really meant was to just ask him politely to leave office and turn the government over to his enemies whom he had been slaughtering up until that point.<br /><br /><blockquote>Democrats held Hilary Clinton to account in 2008 by not giving her the nomination. Her vote in favor of the war in Iraq was the most important factor in that outcome.</blockquote><br />And you 'know' this how? I guess you did find the key to omniscience after all. </blockquote><br />I know it because it was the conventional wisdom in a timeline that actually occurred. It's not like I'm making it up.<br /><br />As for 4 (a)(2) I have to disagree with your notion of "clearly":<br /><br />"The Act also said that:<br /><br /> Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize or otherwise speak to the use of United States Armed Forces (except as provided in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act.<br /><br />Section 4(a)(2) states:<br /><br /> The President is authorized to direct the drawdown of defense articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense, defense services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training for [Iraqi democratic opposition] organizations."<br /><br />This doesn't authorize a war, just limited actions like the above-mentioned 3 day bombing. If it authorized a war Bush wouldn't have needed to go back to Congress for his eventual invasion.