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<blockquote><blockquote>he was supposedly sick prior to the accident. </blockquote><br />I hate dipping into personal business, especially it's an unknown health-related issue, but what struck me was that outside of him not having a seatbelt, the article stated that those who were trying to help him out the jeep found it difficult because of his weight.<br /><br />Of course anything can be said after the fact: he should've had a seatbelt on, people should've flipped the car over to help, police and an ambulance should have been there much faster than the 10 minutes it had taken to get to the scene, a lot of different reasons and factors. </blockquote><br /><br />No one should have tried to help him out of the vehicle in the first place if he was unresponsive, although you can't fault people for doing so since that's a natural reaction. Also, the 10 minute number is unreliable. Time slows down for people when they are waiting for an ambulance or firetruck. We usually show up 3-5 minutes after we get a call and people are always asking why we took 10 minutes to get there. <br /><br />Also, a dozen people trying to move a person out of a car is misleading. If you're crammed inside a car that has flipped, only one or two people have their hands on you and the other 10 are really not doing anything but shouting advice or encouragement and making the situation more stressful. Trying to maneuver 200+ pounds of awkward weight while trying to keep a neck stable is brutally difficult, especially when your not trained and under pressure.<br /><br />The article stated he had a neck injury and was blue in the face when he was pulled out. What that tells me is that Tony had a blocked airway. In car accidents like this people don't always die from the impact, they die from suffocation when their tongue rolls back and blocks their airway. If someone in the neighborhood was trained in CPR (longshot at best) they could have reached inside the car and pulled his jawbone forward which would have allowed him to breathe and kept him alive until the ambulance got there. Granted, he might have been paralyzed thereafter but the odds that he'd be alive are pretty good.<br /><br />Playing the Monday morning quarterback on such a sad story makes me feel like a bag of shit, just thought I'd shed a little more perspective on the article. RIP Tony D.