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</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21So, should Wal-Mart be held liable for encouraging people to line up outside the store? <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21The liability is more likely to be around a failure to provide adequate security. <b, 21<b, 21By the way, this thing is already taking on racial dimensions (some are suggesting the majority of the crowd was Black, which I haven't found reliable confirmation of but the rumors are out there). <b, 21<b, 21So much for a post-racial America! <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21<b, 21Green Acres mall isn't the most upscale shopping experience available on Long Island. They are right on the Queens border and attract a lower income clientele. I'm trying to be somewhat politically correct, but the truth is that Green Acres is a shithole and more commonly referred to as Black Acres. There were several other early morning Black Friday sales available that day, a couple of other WalMarts too, and I would lay money down as to where the white people were and where the black people were. That's how Long Island is, I doubt we're alone in that either. <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21Sween,<b, 21 As a kid in Brooklyn a trip to Green Acres was a big deal....was the first "Shopping Center" in the area and when it was new it was pretty upscale for the day. 40+ years later I can only imagine the shithole it has become.<b, 21<b, 21 So black folks are idiots too and did their best Who Concert imitation trying to save $100 bucks on an X-Box....what's "racial" or shocking about that?? <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21<b, 21I don't know, I guess I'm missing something in the coverage of the story.