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<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>$100 for the Juggaknots ep on Fondle Em. </blockquote><br />damn, isnt that hhigh? </blockquote><br />Oh hell yeah, but it was when Fondle Em was going for $$$ and that plus Siah/Yeshua were the ones people wanted. I had 2 so I let one go. Then it got re-released a few years after, and I've lost track of the price by now. </blockquote><br />A few of those early Fondle 'Em releases go for loot. The original pressing of the Cenubites LP is a good seller. </blockquote><br />I unloaded all my Fondle 'Em, Rawkus,etc shit about 5 or so years ago. Shit was selling pretty good then for decent prices. Is the stuff fetching higher prices now? </blockquote><br />The reason why that Juggaknots went so high is that none had showed up on ebay for a LONG time. I was waiting on one for a minute (still am)...but refuse to pay that high for it. I've noticed lately that it's come down in price.<br /></blockquote><br />Ehhh, not really. I think when I sold it one had just gone on ebay for around 80, so I sold it to another dj I knew for 100 based on that. I didn't sell it on ebay. I remember telling him something about "it's gonna be 100 soon anyway, might as well get it now" and he went for it. This is back around '99 or '00. I think back then they were available, but you had to pay for them. Since then I have no idea how many have come up for sale and you might be right, but when I sold it it came up a few times that year.