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<blockquote>Share your dog shit stories / tips </blockquote><br /><br />We step in dog shit all the time at my job, and of course there's always the one dipshit who has to comfort you by saying "it's good luck".<br /><br />First the tips...if you step in it and it has rained recently, find a puddle. Step in the puddle and grind your feet around, do a little mashed potato dance step and then step out and rub your feet through the grass. It works, especially if you're wearing workboots with deep treads. <br /><br />If there are no puddles, the twig method is best but fuck a twig and use something metal and sharp, like a cut coat hanger that has a sharp point. Just keep wiping it with a napkin or something.<br /><br /><br />I remember being a freshly hired young buck and going with a guy to do a job at the end of the day in Bayville, a half hour drive from our garage. We walked into this person's yard and since I was being trained I had to keep going back to the truck for tools for this guy. The yard had overgrown grass and dogshit EVERYWHERE, I don't even know if it was all from the dog at the house I think the neighborhood dogs would come around and shit there during the day. So we walk into the yard at first, and SQUISH we both step in it with both feet. Fuck. We bounce to the truck and start to clean it off, finish up and start to work again. SQUISH, both of us step in it again, this time in different spots. Now we look around and realize the shit is EVERYWHERE, you can't avoid it and it's getting late and we have to finish and get home. So we said fuck it, and just walked around stepping in an endless stream of shitpiles, shitcakes, and shitnuggets and happily whistling dixie while doing our work.<br /><br />I don't recall the amount, but I know we both stepped in it an an amount reacing into the high teens that day. It was a massacre. Plus it was summer, so the smell permeated the air. And a piece of shit can be innocuous while on the ground, but once you step in it the smell is released and hangs in the Long Island humidity so it got worse as the hour dragged on.<br /><br />We wound up using a spackling trowel to scrape off our boots, then dug out the grooves with a screwdriver leaving huge clumps right in the street. That was some day.<br /><br /><br />Another time I walked into work in the morning and stepped in cat shit right outside the door to get in, and didn't even know it until I tracked it all into the rug that's inside our door. I ground it in real nasty too, but didn't really give a fuck since the cleaning lady had hit my car the week before and didn't say anything about it.