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Two weeks ago I was laying on the couch at night for a couple hours, and fell asleep with my feet elevated. I woke up and decided to head up to bed, but stopped in the bathroom to piss and brush my teeth first. While I'm standing there peeing I started to feel dizzy, and after a few seconds knew I was going to pass out. Right when I finished peeing (it was a long one too) I started to lose my legs, and I thought of a friend of mine who fainted in his bathroom the week before and smashed his face on the floor. I was able to grab the sink and get my ass down to the tub edge, and the next thing I knew I woke up with my head on the toilet seat and my hand marinating in the pisswater.<br /><br />I don't think it was vertigo, I think it was a bloodrush thing maybe. I have low blood pressure to begin with. I woke up and got my hand out and washed it for a minute, then felt funny again and decided to try and get upstairs to bed. Couldn't even do that, sat right down on the first step and had GUSHING cold sweats and head rushes for the next 15 minutes or so. Finally it settled down, I drank some water toweled off and went to bed like nothing happened. It's not really relevant to your story Phill because I know I ony fainted, just figured I'd share the fact that my hand was in my own piss for a minute. <br /><br />Wasn't there a baseball player whose career ended because of vertigo, and if I recall it just started out of nowhere? (Just googled it, it was Nick Esasky). <br /><br />Get checked out my man.