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<blockquote><blockquote> <blockquote> The suppossed old lady who scribbled PRAY in every single telephone booth in the entire 5 boroughs.<br />Rumour has it it was a Phone Company worker as well. </blockquote><br />I can see that. Phone company boxes (the insides) are loaded with graffiti done by the workers. Same thing as tagging in streets, you're showing how many spots you've worked at. <br /><br />It's not really street-styled though, more the freight-train hobo style. Actually, they mix together now. Some guys write a tag, others draw a character, others might write a phrase ("I Am The Walrus" is everywhere in my county). One guy writes the temperature and date. Sometimes I'll open a box and just read the whole thing for a few minutes before I even start working. </blockquote><br />I heard Pray was like a homeless bag lady type. It used to freak out at how every phone had PRAY carved into the metal hook that you hang the reciever on. I mean like EVERY phone anywhere you went. I'm fascinated by dudes that hit certain types of spots obsessively: The dude Genius/GNS/GKNOTS from 36Mob/Acid Krue in Brooklyn has a tag carved into the plastic under pretty much every window in every train on every line. Also Sil 5X7 (rip) had that metal panel above where the map is in every car. He also had alot of tunnel ups, always under the lights so you could see em when the train whizzed by. Does anyone remember the dude ID UGG whose big thing was to "crown" other people's pieces? He would catch tags on top of everyone's shit and as a result he was constantly coming off on flicks of other people's stuff in magazines. Polish dude from Greenpoint I think. </blockquote><br />Cost and Revs on the crosswalk lights too. <br /><br />Long Island has a kid SACE in the last two years hit a ton of utility boxes. He was on the outside of so many phone boxes, in locations where people normally wouldn't know a box was there, that I started to think he works for my company. I think he's with SWK. <br /><br />SEN4 is on just about every dumpster I've ever seen. CANO must be a fucking teamster, it's the only way I can think of how he's on so many boxtrucks.