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<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote> I think I would find out a ton more by just asking around. Soulstrut is not casual. But of course I understand the frivololity of it all. Makes me think about getting to sleep rioght now. Good luck in the near biker's dew time. </blockquote><br />Where are you from? I think there might be something lost in the translation adn maybe that's why people thing you're condescending.<br /><br />Myself, I'm too laid back to let words seriously affect my state of being.<br /><br />There's not too many dudes out there more into to Clive's stuff more than myself (other than a couple hard core 50-ish calypso collectors). Why don't you think Soulstrut is casual? You asked about a musician and I was more than willing to spill my guts on what little I know. If you hang around, like I have for 6 odd years now, I'm sure you'll be humbled by the genrosity of my pals.<br /><br />Kevin in Canada. </blockquote><br />Ok, I'm a Western Europeaner. I often think anything that is rare and nice is not being mentioned on soulstrut. And I think that some of the best music has to be preserved carefully. Not just for a gig with a DJ or for sampling, but for anyone that wants to listen to it. For music like library and latin/caribbean it's impossible to get to know the best records without spending a fortune and hunting records for years. <br />I really appreciate your effort, Clive Bradley is one of the artists I just think it would be nice to hear more often. Wether it's me or somebody else that collects and spins the records, it would not affect my state of being. I thought you were going to play hide and seek, sorry. I feel a bit irritated about people never shedding a light on anything I find exciting to hear. I have to get over that, I think I did so in the last hours. I'm having a good mood again. I'll have another look at these rare finds of yours, they're quite nice. I'm also a bit jealous about the fact that in the US there's more into record stores than over here in Amsterdam. </blockquote><br />There is a balance for me in that I am a seller digging in areas where knowledge is often not readily available, so knowing how a record sounds early can be to your advantage (in obtaining further copies for sale at cheap prices). I remember buying Frankie Zhivago Young's and Earth Roots and Water's for $30- by the handful, and now those are $800 45's and a $2-300 LP respectively. You asked me about a specific artist which I'm extremely interested in, so I felt obligated to answer.<br /><br />Easy, K.<br /><br />P.S. I live in Toronto and not the States.