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<blockquote> Yo your right about covering your head, I was doing a roofing job about three weeks ago without my hat on after a fresh shave and got sunburn... that stuff hurts. </blockquote><br />I shave mine with a Cricket buzzer twice a week, and I have the white Irish skin with skin cancer running in my family. On top of that, I work outside. Besides wearing a hat if you're going to be up on a roof, another good option is to look into some SPF 45+ gel sunblock.<br /><br />I recommend Aloe Gator if you need to pick a brand. It lasts longer than other brands and doesn't sweat off if you're working. A surfer friend of mine put me on to it, he puts it on and it lasts all day in the water. PLUS, it makes your dome shine nicely and you like like you're from the future. I've put it on and spent a few hours outdoors with no hat on, with no sunburns from it. <br /><br />Aloe Gator...recommended by Sween for my baldheaded breddren. The pic below is the exact stuff I use. Buy the biggest size, it's worth the extra price. My pops gets cancer burned off his face every few months, you don't want none of that shit homie.<br /><br /><br /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /><br />