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K***h might be gay, we're not sure.<br /><br />St**e is quiet, single and just got braces, he's 34.<br /><br />D*ane drinks like a fish, rarely talks, and might be fucking Bald T*ny, we're not sure of that either.<br /><br />Bald T*ny goes on weekend vacations where he shoots gophers with high-powered rifles, he's got a ridiculously hairy back and when he gets annoyed about things we start imitating George the Animal Steele.<br /><br />R*b has a 70's mulletfro, is diesel as all hell, smokes like a chimney and I found out recently smokes weed all day long. I can't figure him out at all, he was my partner for 5 months and I had no idea he was stoned most of the time.<br /><br />Happy H**bs is 30, has 4 kids and is going through a divorce. He's the most out-of-touch with society individual I've ever met. I sit next to him every morning for 20 minutes or so before we all get dispatched to the streets, and blow toxic farts at him and he never smells them. Might be the air-conditioning currents though. Either way, dude is a real strange bird.<br /><br />Thumbs has huge thumbs...his is on the right...<br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /> <br /><br />poor guy has to listen to me make jokes about his thumbs all day.<br /><br /><br />There are other folks too, but I'm home now and really don't want to write anymore about dudes I work with.