klezmer electro-thug beats

klezmer electro-thug beats


Last Active
Member, Real Head
  • 45s Mix for my 45th Birthday...

    Always enjoy your mixes Hopper, thanks for puttin up a download too
  • Just procured a Raer Vinyl Item

    That is NOT a raer vinyl item, it's clearly leather

    that said, I have long dreamed of upping my skills in furniture and making myself a 60s percival lafer style monstrosity. I wanna know who is making knockoffs of semi-obscure brazilian midcentury modern heat because these suckers go for like 5 grand:

  • Kool And The Gang

    This thread inspired me to stream the album today and imagine owning the OG (VG- or better). I used to just skip to the famous tracks with the big breaks but I'd forgotten there's some real good relaxing-in-the-sun music on there too.
  • Rap ID

    compton guy, buddy

  • Safe?

    So I ran into some barricades on my walk yesterday through London - cops were blocking off around Westminster for the protest - I was like, what protest? The BLM one (aka the big one) was called off. Turns out the right wingers, white supremacists, nazis and "statue defenders" couldn't get to their beloved statues because they'd already been boarded off and surrounded by cops protecting the shit from them. And with no protest to "counter-protest" they just attacked the cops. I mean, is that a step up from the States where the Nazis actively collaborate with the cops?

    Also Winston Churchill engineered the deaths of 4 million Indians by starvation and deserves no honor. He took joy in terrorizing the Irish, the Afghans, the Boers, was integral to the creation of apartheid, etc., etc. He basically agreed with Hitler on the racism shit and fought him out of pride for the British empire - he didn't like Hitler expanding his own empire. The whitewashing of him, in my view, is worse than that of the slaver in Bristol whose statue got dumped in the canal last week.