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  • So did this problem happen, like, all of the sudden or was there a gradual onset of the problematic signs and symtoms. Additionally, does it occur with a all CDs, or more often with CDrs DVDrs, etc. Does it seem to have a preference of music--you …
  • yea - by the way....signing your posts sucks dog balls. Your posts don't need a signature to suck dog balls. And we have a last minute entry for Best Zing...though I still ride for JLR: Rockadelic, clarifying YoungPhonic's bust on yuchi: It was …
  • little pupusa Oooh wee! I've been with my lady for almost eight years now and I've become totally oblivious to advances. I never really thought it would get to this point, but I'm fine with that. I had a friend recently tell me that a girl …
  • And while we're on the subject of making a positive out of a negative and getting you exposure...this is Frickin' dope--the song, the edit..the whole this in Golden Gate Park?
  • First, Controller, I've PMed you about this song before...and complimented you on's dope. I've been a fan of your production... I remember it from a post from the video you edited it to: Clearly if folks are digging the song, it's an a…
  • Sometimes I Rhyme Slow-Nice and Smooth and I've always felt that "My Mind is Playing Ticks on Me" was a good depiction of someone that's paranoid and on drugs. Am I wrong? ~gNAT
  • Sure. Mac friendly would be nice.
  • Best part of that clip is the look on buddys face at the end. Corkys moonwalk was super though. I challenge you to find someone who is mentally challenged (other than Michael Jackson) that can Moon walk better than Corky.
  • You would dig Quantic's "Mishaps Happening"...that's a downtempto-esque part of what he does. Quantic is fuckin' fire in my humble ass opinion. Trees and Seas is a beautiful song.
  • Awesome. So shouldn't this be a graemlin, something like, "Genius on a Stick" in order to balance out
    in Comment by Gnat December 2007
  • publicity stunt. that's why he handled it well AND plugged sh#t.
  • with no liner.
  • For your immediate needs, you can start with the trial version of works. PS soulmarcosa, I PMed you about this: who is this guy and how can I be down …
  • yeah B-Side has those powered Mackie speakers that should more than suit your needs. i think when i tried to reserve them it was like $50. B-Sides is what I would do too--I talked 'em down to $30. You could also do the famous buy it and then retur…
  • I'm more intrigued by this very intense TV coverage of 50 in Zagreb. It was like the top feature on the Evening News. Right? I feel like I'm in some sort of independent filmesque voyeur journey. More incriminating than folks leaning over the tabl…
  • This exchanged tickled my funny bone: Rockadelic, clarifying YoungPhonic's bust on yuchi: It was a crack about dude's mother and sister and giant phallic symbols[/b] more than Asian racism. JLR, responding to Rockadelic: Rock, don't come here tal…
  • Anybody got any info on this release? I'm guessing it's just a mixtape with some Carter 3 throwaways. Baby looks like he is eyeing his prey. I'd rock the Wayne button up/ vest combo without a doubt Is it me or are these guys on some tripped out …
  • riiight. I wasn't necessarily addressing you, but if the shoe fits...
  • If your ass is on point, you'll still look like soccer caravan mom from the back. It's entertaining to me when people make absolute rules that might prevent them from getting laid, when it appears that getting laid by someone in high pants is exa…
  • I love the expression here. "Yeah, I'm naked. F--- you gonna do about it?" Same thought. Something distinctly gangster about your infant, "So, uh, you, the one that feeds me through the boobs, could I get some of that powder over here or what…
  • Somebody put up the MP3s so I can hear this JayZ jackin... Hey Thes, knwutahmean? I still listen to OST all the damn day. Just good music--underground or not. and most importantly, congratulations. I am quite sure you will be an excellent f…
  • Please try elimination before you add anything. This is good advice. That and talk to people that actually know what the hell they are talking about because, contrary to popular opinion, being an expert on records doesn't necessarily make you an…
  • me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program". i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think) Post a pic or you're soft.…
  • Fe Primate, Check your PMs. And do be careful with the herbal/homeopathic remedies. I've seen folks come into the ER with all sorts of signs/symptoms having to do with improperly administered herbal/homeopathic remedies, most recent in memory was…
  • these are, without a doubt, the easiest locks to break. slide a 4 foot pipe over the lock core end of the shackle, brace the lock against something hard (not the bike) like the ground or the fence, push pipe away from U part of lock. it will snap o…
  • "J*nathan, its okay, see the zombies are dancing..." Clearly, this should be your location, if it would only fit... Moderators, can we get a location extension so that we can actually fit cool quotes again? That would be nice. I promise not to m…
  • I remember being so inspired to dance to this album that I got so out of hand that I stepped on my Millennium Falcon.
  • an automatic car starter...what can I say my wife's a practical she has to commute to work early... Nice. Wifey is getting Tickets to see "Wicked" in LA. haven't been. Lady has been dying to see it. + fat, very bougie hotel for a …
  • an object that's designed for killing people. Er... potentially that's ANY gun. That being said, I own a 9mm Springfield semi, a .357 Magnum and .22 target pistol. You must keep these here in the US, eh?
  • that alice in wonderland cake shit f**ked me up as a kid haha! me too. that whole video was like whoa. I stopped eating cake that had any sort of anthropomorphic shape because of that video...